WCT-120PL  |代理產品|再生能源|Sinton


Wafer Lifetime Measurement with Photoluminescence Detector

代碼 WCT-120PL

人氣 3382

Measure the calibrated carrier-recombination lifetime of a silicon wafer using both the standard method and the photoluminescence method.

Product Overview

The WCT-120PL wafer lifetime measurement tool showcases the same unique measurement
and analysis techniques as the WCT-120 with the added capability of a photoluminescence (PL)
detector to measure the PL lifetime and doping of the sample under test. Both the Quasi-Steady-
State -Photoconductance (QSSPC) lifetime measurement method and the Transient  Photoconductance Decay (PCD) lifetime measurement method are complemented with a calibrated PL lifetime measurement. The tool can also easily be used as a standard WCT-120.



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Wafer Lifetime Measurement with Photoluminescence Detector